Kuei-Chih Lee, 1979, Taiwan
With a humble seed as inspiration, the artist lets old trees be reborn as sculptures on the green lawn of the church. In nature’s own cycle, the plants wither. But new life sprouts from the seeds. Kuei-Chih Lee gives reclaimed wood the shape of seeds. The sculptures become symbols of the eternal.
Lee’s art is created with respect for ecology. There is a reverence here that puts its mark on the thoughts of both the hand and the heart. Humankind’s interaction with nature provides the conditions for sustainable development. The resurrected wood simultaneously becomes a mark of faith in a purpose that extends beyond time and space. The relationships between the essence of creation, humankind, nature and environment are put to the test.
Artwork: Reincarnation
Artist: Kuei-Chih Lee
Number on the map: 34
Material: Wood, steel and rebar
Location: St. Nicolai Church, outside
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