Marianne Schmidt
Photo: Sofie Isaksson
After suffering severe memory loss due to a brain injury, Schmidt lost large parts of her past and thereby also her future. By investigating the relationship between time, memory and identity, she is able – to some extent – to recreate herself and the world she lives in.
"My foot penetrates into and grows up from the earth, roots itself, and thereby I do as well. Despite the identitylessness that comes from memory loss and the marginalization of autism, I can take physical space in what is for me an incomprehensible world. I leave an imprint of the right to exist, because no matter who I am and once was, I know that I exist."
Photo: Sofie Isaksson
Artwork: ...Therefore I am
Artist: Marianne Schmidt
Number on the map:
Material: Metal, stone
Location: Vasagatan/Kyrkogatan
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