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Eetu Huhtala

In a leafy park stands a house made of high-gloss aluminum pillows. The surroundings are reflected in the cushions and a girl stands next to the house/sculpture.

Photo: Sofie Isaksson

"Pillow Fort" is a cottage made of aluminium pillows. It looks soft, but is actually hard, sterile and cold. It’s a small house without windows or doorways, a shiny façade that provides no warmth, a fort that only offers illusory protection. The work possesses the dichotomy that the terms ‘home’ and ‘living conditions’ actually entail. The home is a place for protection, security and warmth. But for some, it is a place associated with a traumatic childhood, isolation, loneliness and social exclusion.

In a leafy park stands a house made of high-gloss aluminum pillows. The surroundings are reflected in the cushions.

Photo: Sofie Isaksson

Close-up of the aluminum pillows that make up the hous.

Photo: Sofie Isaksson

Artwork: Pillow Fort

Artist: Eetu Huhtala

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Material: Sculpture

Location: Kyrkogatan by Nikolaikyrkan

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