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1952, USA, based in Germany

Benoît Maubrey describes himself as the creator of "electroacoustic sculpture". He uses loudspeakers in the same way that a sculptor uses clay or wood, as building blocks to create works of art. His main goal is to deliver sound to a public space and create a "hot spot" for visitors – an attempt to evoke amazement and wonder. Through using the sculpture, visitors are also invited to play their own music, talk through their mobile phones and express themselves via audible social media, thus the visitors' voices become part of Maubrey's installations.




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Kontakta OpenArt

Kontakta Örebro kommuns servicecenter

Telefon: 019-21 10 00 

Öppettider: Vardagar kl. 8–16.30

Besöksadress: Näbbtorgsgatan 10

Öppettider: Vardagar kl. 10–16

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