Open Call är ansökningsformuläret där yrkesverksamma konstnärer kan ansöka om att delta i OpenArt. Ansökan öppnade 2 januari och är nu stängd för i år.

Aaron Nachtailer - EXIT Clouds, OpenArt 2024. Foto: Sofie Isaksson
Open Call opens January 2
Open Call is now closed.
Open Call is the application form where professional artists from all over the world can apply to participate in the exhibition in 2026. It will be open until from January 2 to January 22, 2025.
What is OpenArt
OpenArt is a public art biennial with the next exhibition taking place June to September 2026 in the city center of Örebro, Sweden. Contemporary artworks are displayed outdoors and available for public interaction day and night.
OpenArt aims to exhibit artists working in a wide variety of art mediums and techniques. We are looking for artists who are interested in the connection between art and public space. Since the exhibition will take place just before the Swedish election, we are especially interested in artworks taking on subjects such as collective processes, democracy and/or sustainable change. Artworks that engage the inhabitants of Örebro and invite people to imagine a new possible future.
Artists who intend to apply to OpenArt 2026 should apply with artworks that can be placed outdoors. It is possible to apply with already existing artworks or ideas to develop. We encourage artists to apply with two artworks as our aim is to show more than one artwork of the same artist.
See previous exhibitions in the archives 2008 - 2024
Sustainability in mind
OpenArt is run by a small team working in a warm-hearted manner, able to offer technical advice and some assistance during the production process in the workshop space at our facilities. As most of the projects exhibited at OpenArt are of temporary character we aim to use material carefully and in a sustainable and cautious way when producing.
It is important to have an overall plan of the material used before, during and after the exhibition. For example, can materials be collected for a project and then recycled after the exhibition?
The artists
We require the artist to have the knowledge to manage their chosen materials and production themselves. Each artist is expected to lead the technical work installing the artwork in a secure and responsible way. This also includes staying within the agreed budget and deadlines set in consultation with the team.
The selection process
The majority of the artists will be selected by the OpenArt Team. A smaller number of artists will be selected by two separate panel groups: The Kids’ Panel and the Peoples’ Panel.
Throughout the whole process the team at OpenArt are present in the selection process and make the final selection, with all the thoughts and perspectives from the panel groups in mind. The selection process considers not only the quality of the artworks but also diversity and representation of artists.
Participating artists:
- Artist fee of 10 000 SEK.
- When creating a new artwork, OpenArt provides production support according to an agreed production budget.
- OpenArt books and pays for the transport of artworks to and from the exhibition.
- OpenArt books and pays for travel and accommodation during installation.
- OpenArt covers costs related to the installation period such as permits, cranes, wheel loaders, lifts, electricity and technical staff.
The budget for projects is limited, so it is welcome if the artist can seek external funding for production, travel, accommodation or transport.

Photo: Sofie Isaksson
Open Call öppnar 2 januari
Open Call är ansökningsformuläret där yrkesverksamma konstnärer från hela världen kan ansöka om att delta i utställningen 2026. Ansökan är öppen mellan 2–22 januari 2025.
Vad är OpenArt?
OpenArt är en utställning som äger rum i centrala Örebro varannan sommar. Samtida konstverk visas utomhus och är tillgängliga för allmänheten dag och natt. Nästa utställning pågår mellan juni och september 2026.
OpenArt syftar till att ställa ut konstnärer som arbetar inom en mängd olika konstmedier och tekniker. Vi söker konstnärer som är intresserade av kopplingen mellan konst och det offentliga rummet. Eftersom utställningen äger rum strax före det svenska valet är vi särskilt intresserade av konstverk som tar upp ämnen som kollektiva processer, demokrati och/eller hållbar förändring. Konstverk som engagerar örebroarna och bjuder in människor att föreställa sig en ny möjlig framtid.
Konstnärer som tänker söka till OpenArt 2026 bör ansöka med konstverk som kan placeras utomhus. Det är möjligt att ansöka med redan befintliga konstverk eller idéer att utveckla. Vi uppmuntrar konstnärer att ansöka med två konstverk eftersom vårt mål är att visa mer än ett konstverk av samma konstnär.
Se tidigare utställningar i arkivet 2008–2024
Hållbar produktion
OpenArt drivs av ett litet team med stort hjärta som kan erbjuda teknisk rådgivning och viss assistans under produktionsprocessen i OpenArts verkstad. Eftersom de flesta konstverk som ställs ut på OpenArt är av tillfällig karaktär, strävar vi efter att använda material varsamt och på ett hållbart sätt vid produktion.
Det är viktigt att ha en helhetsplanering av materialet som används både innan, under och efter utställning. Kan material exempelvis samlas in till ett konstverk för att sedan återvinnas efter utställningen?
Vi kräver att konstnärerna har kunskapen att hantera sina valda material och kan producera sina projekt självständigt. Varje konstnär förväntas leda det tekniska arbetet med att installera konstverket på ett säkert och ansvarsfullt sätt. Detta inkluderar även att hålla sig inom den överenskomna budgeten och deadlines som satts i samråd med teamet.
Majoriteten av artisterna kommer att väljas ut av teamet på OpenArt. Ett mindre antal artister kommer att väljas ut av två separata jurygrupper: Barnens jury och Folkets jury.
Under hela processen är teamet på OpenArt närvarande i urvalsprocessen och gör det slutliga urvalet, med alla tankar och perspektiv från panelgrupperna i åtanke. Urvalsprocessen tar inte bara hänsyn till kvaliteten på konstverken utan även mångfald och representation av konstnärer.
Medverkande konstnärer:
- Utställningsersättning på 10 000 sek.
- Vid framtagning av nytt konstverk ger OpenArt produktionsstöd efter överenskommen produktionsbudget.
- OpenArt bokar och bekostar transport av konstverk till och från utställning.
- OpenArt bokar och bekostar resa och boende vid installation.
- OpenArt står för kostnader som rör installationsperioden såsom tillstånd, kranbil, hjullastare, liftar, el och teknisk personal.
Budgeten för projekt är begränsad, så det är välkommet om konstnären har möjlighet att söka extern finansiering för produktion, resa, boende eller transport.
Majoriteten av artisterna kommer att väljas ut av teamet på OpenArt. Ett mindre antal konstnärer kommer att väljas ut av två separata jurygrupper: Barnens jury och folkets jury.
Under hela processen är teamet på OpenArt närvarande i urvalsprocessen och gör det slutliga urvalet, med alla tankar och perspektiv från jurygrupperna i åtanke. Urvalsprocessen tar inte bara hänsyn till kvaliteten på konstverken utan även mångfald och representation av konstnärer.
The majority of the artists will be selected by the OpenArt Team. A smaller number of artists will be selected by two separate panel groups: The Kids’ Panel and the Peoples’ Panel.
Throughout the whole process the team at OpenArt are present in the selection process and make the final selection, with all the thoughts and perspectives from the panel groups in mind. The selection process considers not only the quality of the artworks but also diversity and representation of artists.
OpenArt stöttar medverkande konstnärer på flera sätt. Både ekonomiskt och socialt. Dels i planering och utförande, genom teknisk vägledning och i den kreativa processen. I OpenArts verkstad finns utrymmen för trähantering, metallverkstad, svets och lackbox. Olika maskiner finns tillgängliga samt ett förråd med mindre handverktyg finns att låna vid behov. Teknisk personal finns tillgänglig för frågor.
På OpenArts kontor finns möjlighet till kök, datorplats, kopiator och storformatskrivare.
OpenArt är vana vid producera konstverk, utställningsrum samt moduler för exponering av konst efter skisser. Dialog om produktion sker i ett tidigt stadium mellan konstnär och OpenArt, som besitter en stor kompetens och ett stort kontaktnät.
OpenArt supports participating artists in several ways. Both economically and socially. Partly in planning and execution, through technical guidance and in the creative process. In OpenArt's workshop there are spaces for wood handling, metal workshop, welding and a paint box. Various machines are available and a supply of smaller hand tools is available to borrow if needed. Technical staff are available for questions.
OpenArt's office has the option of a kitchen, computer space, copier and large-format printer.
OpenArt is used to producing works of art, exhibition rooms and modules for exhibiting art after sketches. Dialogue about production takes place at an early stage between the artist and OpenArt, which has great competence and a large network of contacts.
OpenArt är en temporär konstutställning vilket innebär att medverkande konstnärer som producerar nya verk gärna får arbeta med material av temporär karaktär. OpenArt-teamet stor erfarenhet och är gärna med i samråd kring materialval och produktionssätt för att hitta det mest kostnadseffektiva och hållbara valet. OpenArt kan även vara behjälplig i sökandet efter materialsponsring.
Det är viktigt att ha en helhetsplanering av materialet som används både innan, under och efter utställning. Kan material exempelvis samlas in till ett konstverk för att sedan återvinnas efter utställningen?
OpenArt is a temporary art exhibition, which means that participating artists who produce new works are welcome to work with materials of a temporary nature. The OpenArt team has a lot of experience and is happy to be involved in consultations regarding material selection and production methods to find the most cost-effective and sustainable choice. OpenArt can also be helpful in the search for material sponsorship.
It is important to have an overall plan of the material used both before, during and after the exhibition. For example, can materials be collected for a work of art and then recycled after the exhibition?
Deltagande konstnärer
- Utställningsersättning 10 000 SEK.
- Vid skapande av ett nytt konstverk ger OpenArt produktionsstöd enligt en överenskommen produktionsbudget. Detta gäller även om justeringar behöver göras för redan befintliga konstverk.
- OpenArt bokar och bekostar transport av konstverk till och från utställningen.
- OpenArt bokar och betalar resor och boende vid installation.
- OpenArt täcker kostnader relaterade till installationstiden såsom tillstånd, kranar, hjullastare, hissar, el och teknisk personal.
Budgeten för projekt är begränsad, så det är välkommet om konstnären kan söka extern finansiering för produktion, resor, boende eller transport.
Participating artists
- Artist fee of 10 000 SEK.
- When creating a new artwork, OpenArt provides production support according to an agreed production budget. This also applies if adjustments need to be made for already existing artworks.
- OpenArt books and pays for the transport of artworks to and from the exhibition.
- OpenArt books and pays for travel and accommodation during installation.
- OpenArt covers costs related to the installation period such as permits, cranes, wheel loaders, lifts, electricity and technical staff.
The budget for projects is limited, so it is welcome if the artist can seek external funding for production, travel, accommodation or transport.
Konstnären Viktoriia Tofan arbetar i OpenArts träverkstad inför OpenArt 2024.
Here are some frequently asked questions and answers to them. Please read through before contacting us. If you still can't find the information on your question, you may contact us at:
OpenArt is a contemporary art biennial taking place every other summer in Örebro, Sweden. The artworks are displayed outdoors, available for public interaction day and night. For each edition the biennial presents artists working in a wide variety of art mediums and techniques.
Artworks can be presented on the ground, in air, on water (Svartån), around the castle, in parks, on facades and within the shopping malls or temporary indoor locations. You can see all previous artworks in our archive: Archive OpenArt - previous exhibitions 2008-2022
The application period is between 2 January to 22 January 2025.
Opens 8 am (CET) on 2 January
Closes 12 am (CET) on 22 January
The exhibition period is June–September 2026. Exact dates will be announced early spring 2025.
OpenArt is open to all professional artists worldwide. It is preferred if the artist has previous knowledge of exhibiting in public space, but it is not mandatory.
We will launch our Open Call on Konstpool ( A direct link to our Open Call will be presented here on January 2.
- You register as a user at Konstpool.
- Directly after registration a confirmation e-mail will be sent to your registered e-mail. You need to confirm your user by clicking on the link in the e-mail.
- You can find our Open Call in the list of active Open Calls under the category Visual art.
- Read the information carefully to make sure the artwork you are applying with fits the exhibition.
- Fill in the requested information and submit.
Yes. When filling in the application you can add up to 5 photos, videos or sound. For each file you add it is possible to include a short information.
Konstpool is a platform where you can apply and read about Open calls in Sweden.
You can read more here:
Or you can contact or call (+46)73-631 67 58 on weekdays 9–17 (CET).
You can apply with 2 artworks in total.
In order to apply with two artworks you first fill in the information form for one artwork and click submit. Then it is possible to apply again with a second artwork by repeating the process again and filling out the information form.
You can either enter 2 already existing artworks, or you can enter 2 ideas to develop, or you can enter 1 existing artwork and 1 idea to develop.
We are looking for artworks that can be placed outdoors. This requires the artwork to be made of durable materials, to be able to withstand wind, rain and curious hands.
OpenArt's aim is to exhibit artists working in a wide variety of art mediums and techniques. We are looking for artists who are interested in the intersection between art and the public space. Since the exhibition will take place just before the Swedish election, we are particularly interested in artworks taking on subjects such as collective processes, democracy and/or sustainable transformation. Artworks that are engaging the inhabitants of Örebro and inviting people to imagine a new possible future.
Yes, the artwork should be suitable for outdoor display. If you are planning on applying with an artwork of a more fragile kind, you should have solutions on how it can be displayed outdoor in the public space.
Your application can be modified until the last day of the Open Call (January 2).
Artists can apply as solo, duo or group. The artist fee will be modified depending on how many artists are in the group.
You can submit your application in English. Due to an international staff we appreciate if also Swedish artists apply in English. But it is of course ok to apply in Swedish if that is preferred.
If you are among the selected artists, you will be contacted by the curatorial team at OpenArt, who will provide you with all the necessary information for the next step. You are officially a participating artist when a contract is signed between you and OpenArt.
OpenArt will contact all applicants by e-mail during late spring 2025 (approximately April/May).
Confirmed artists will receive an artist fee of 10.000 SEK. If you are an artist group, the artist fee will be modified depending on how many of you are in the group.
When creating new artworks, OpenArt provides production support according to an agreed production budget. OpenArt in dialogue with the artist should find the most appropriate, time-efficient, and cost-effective solutions.
OpenArt pays for transport of artworks to and from the exhibition, travel and accommodation during installation.
OpenArt covers costs related to the installation such as permits, cranes, sky lifts and technical staff.
The budget for projects is limited, so it is welcome if the artist can seek external funding for production, travel, accommodation, or transport as OpenArt tries to do the same.
OpenArt has a network of local partners to collaborate with making it possible to cut costs on materials. This also applies for already existing artwork that might need alteration when being placed in public space.
OpenArt can offer technical guidance, support and some assistance throughout the process. At the OpenArt office we have a wood workshop, metal workshop and printing opportunities.
It is entirely up to the artist to decide if the artwork is for sale. The purpose of the biennial is not to sell artwork and for a lot of the artworks it is not possible to sell as they are site-specific and meant to last only during the exhibition time. The normal procedure is that the artwork produced for the exhibition is demolished afterwards and the artwork lent to the exhibition is sent back to the artist. If something is sold during the exhibition OpenArts commission is 30%.
Yes, the artworks are insured throughout the exhibition period and during transport to and from the exhibition.
Please send your inquiries to
You can submit your application until 22 January, 2025, 12 am (CET).
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